Gilded Lily

small press

Gilded Lily

Gilded Lily

Gilded Lily

Small Press

Meet Our Team!



Fall 2023 Winners

Congrats! We are thrilled to introduce the Chapbooks and their talented authors for the upcoming fall semester of 2023! Congratulations to Katie Murray, our standout...
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Launch Party! Gilded Lily Small Press is proud to invite you to our launch party! The launch is November 30th, 2023 in the Art Gallery...
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Fall 2023 Winners

Congrats! We are thrilled to introduce the Chapbooks and their talented authors...
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Launch Party! Gilded Lily Small Press is proud to invite you to...
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Congrats to our 2023 Chapbook Winners!

“Gilded Lily Press aims to further elevate the extraordinary, giving pieces of true beauty a place to shine. Our mission is to amplify the voices within our academic community, and much like a lily, grow alongside them to enrich our campus and the world beyond.”
~ Our Mission